Green Man Tree & Landscape Services

Tree Services Waukesha and Milwaukee | Waukesha and Milwaukee Landscaping | Tree Removal and Mulch

Tree Services Milwaukee | Milwaukee Landscaping | Tree Removal and Mulch

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Waukesha Tree Care | You Planted a Tree Now What?

You've planted a tree...fantastic! What do you need to do next?

Well, it's not easy being green, especially for a young tree in a city. A tree's needs sound simple: healthy soil, air, water and sunlight.  But sometimes these needs can be hard to come by.

That's where you can help.

Follow these basic tree care tips to ensure that the trees you plant grow and mature:

1. Weed

Pull any weeds that grow within 4 feet of your tree.

2. Check the stake

Check the tree stake to make sure it is not rubbing or damaging the tree.

3. Check the ties

Check the tree ties to make sure they are secure, but allow some tree movement. Trees will grow a stronger room system and trunk if allowed some wiggle room.

4. Mulch

Keep a 3 to 4-inch layer of mulch on the soil around your tree. Do not place any mulch up against the trunk of your tree. See our mulching guidelines for more information.

5. Water

Check out our watering guidelines to find out how much and how often to water your tree.

 Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Waukesha and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tree Care during a drought | Waukesha Tree Care

Tree care during a drought in Waukesha and other areas
  • Water is one of the most important things trees need. Trees take in water by their roots but many people water the leaves of their trees, creating an environment for disease. Instead, adjust sprinkler heads down to water the soil. Some sprinkler heads may need the nozzle changed to a flat spray.
  • Do not water near the trunk unless you’ve planted the tree within the last four or five years. Instead, water the area under the drip-line (edge of the branches) where the tree’s root system extends.
  • Water slowly, this allows water to adhere to soil particles on its way down. Soaker hoses and drip irrigation work well.
  • Mulch is a gardener’s best friend. A three to four inch layer of wood chips spread on bare ground will reduce water evaporation, insulate roots from heat, keep the weeds away, and give a home to beneficial microorganisms.
  • Avoid over-fertilizing your trees or you may find that sap-sucking insects such as aphids, white fly and scale are paying you a warm weather visit. Pest populations, including insects and disease, increase rapidly with warmer weather. Keep things in balance and you’ll reduce your problems.
  • Mature trees: We often take our large trees for granted and forget that they can decline in health during extended drought. Most people don’t realize the tree is in trouble because symptoms appear first in the top center portion of the canopy far from view.
  • Do not prune live branches in a severe drought. Removing live tissues forces the tree to expend energy to defend against the pruning cuts. Removing live foliage also reduces the capacity of the tree to grow once rains return.
  • Do not fertilize trees in extended drought since this pulls water from the roots and forces the tree to expend precious energy to process the fertilizer.
  • Do not dig under the canopy of the tree in drought. Digging under the tree kills the small roots that absorb water, thus reducing the tree's capacity to uptake water.
Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Waukesha and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 WaukeshaTree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tree Pruning Waukesha | Prunning the right way

There are many types of proper tree pruning as well as a myriad of reasons to do so.

There are two basic rules for pruning, with the first being the best time of year to prune is the latter part of winter, or just before growth begins in early spring.
Time of year is probably the most critical element of proper tree pruning.
If trees are pruned during dormancy (when the trees are asleep), they suffer less stress when cuts are made. Dormancy is when the trees have shed their leaves and have experienced a frost. This allows the tree to heal faster when spring arrives and the growing season begins.
Cuts made out of season can induce stress on the tree, possibly leading to further problems. While an improper pruning cut will only make matters worse.
The second basic rule for proper pruning is that broken limbs or branches, as well as diseased or dead wood can be removed at any time of year.
Once any of the symptoms are present, they should usually be addressed as quickly as possible.
Diseased limbs may spread throughout the tree and dead/broken limbs may fall at any time causing injury or possibly even death.
If you have any concerns regarding proper pruning for your tree, call us and arrange an appointment any time so that we may assess your pruning needs. This will allow us to place you on our dormant list, so that we can arrange a schedule.
Proper pruning is a "limited time only" or seasonal type of work and should be coordinated likewise.

Five good reasons to Prune a Tree

  • Remove Dead branches
  • Eliminate hazards, i.e. broken or hanging limbs
  • Remove crowded or rubbing limbs
  • Pedestrian clearance, i.e. limbs too low (raise canopy)
  • Limbs interfering with power lines or structures Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Milwaukee and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.

Waukesha Tree Removal | Storm Damage Tree Removal

Storm Damage Tree Removal

Storm damage comes in many different forms, i.e. tornadoes, ice, strong winds, flooding, lightning, etc. However not all storm damage requires emergency tree removal.

Non-Emergency Storm Damage

Following a storm, after everyone has been accounted for, and weather/daylight permitting, damage assessment may then take place.
Unless there are injuries, or egress routes have been compromised, there is no reason to start removing the tree from the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm.
For safety reasons, damage assessment should not begin until daylight or an official all-clear signal has been issued.

Emergency Storm Damage

Here's what to do if a tree falls on your roof during a storm. If it comes through the roof and ceiling, usually there is already a power outage, but if there is not, assume that all lines are hot, and get to a known safe area.
Do not attempt to assess the damage in the dark. The best first step is to leave the premises without touching anything for fear of electrocution.
Often, it's not the actual thunderstorm that causes accidents and injuries, it's the aftermath and cleanup as people are attempting to remove limbs and debris before the all-clear signal has been given by local authorities.
This is the time for the homeowner to contact their insurance agent and gather necessary information to begin the claims process. This is also a good time to take pictures. Again, wait for the "all clear" from authorities. 
Once the storm damage site has been cleared for entry, damage assessment can begin. In some cases, the insurance adjuster may require more than one estimate before any work is approved.
Remember, these are only hints, as policies vary from insurance to homeowner. Not all insurance policies are the same.
Be weary of tree companies who insist on performing this work immediately. Also, beware of companies who are not locally based or those who do not meet the local regulatory requirements.
Storm damage cleanup: Our goal is to accomplish this without incurring any further damage to the structure. Further damage should be kept at a minimum if at all possible.
Storm damage tree removal is usually EXTREMELY dangerous and involves a much higher degree of risk.

Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Waukesha and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Waukesha Tree Care and Services | Green Man

Healthy trees are an asset. They provide cooling shade, habitat for birds, and can increase the value of your property. This information is provided to help you care for the trees around your residence.
There are some very good things you can do to promote heathly, long-lived trees. And there are a number of things you will want to avoid. If in doubt, call a member of the National ARBORIST Association or Green Man Tree Services of Waukesha for advice specific to your region and variety of tree or shrub.
Topping...Don't Do It!
Topping or stubbing are examples of removing large branches from mature trees. A topped tree is a disfigured tree and although it was intended to help the tree, the opposite is the result. When a large amount of a tree's canopy (umbrella) is removed, the crown to root ratio is imbalanced and this adversely affects the tree's nutrition. It also exposes the tree to the sun which can result in scalding. Topped trees develop multiple branches or suckers, at or near the pruning cut. These branches generally are weakly attached and are prone to failure. A topped tree is also vunerable to disease as the stubs have a difficult time forming protective callus and this invites invasion of fungi and insects. The location of the topping cuts may also prevent the tree's natural defense system from doing its job. Finally, topping trees represents an unwarranted expense. A topped tree will often grow back to its original height quickly, and it will be more dense than one that has been pruned correctly. Other costs may be hidden, such as loss of property value that a well-maintained tree will encourage. There is also increased hazard from branches that have weakened as a result of the topping. Inflicted Wounds Wounds made by climbing spikes invite infection. There will be holes in the tree bark. These injuries often do not repair efficiently or effectively. Mechanical Injuries Lawn mowers and string trimmers hitting the bark of a tree can severely damage the inner bark and cambium near the soil line. This damage invites insects and fungi infestation. The best advice is to remove sod from around the base of the tree and replace with mulch. Soil Compaction Compacted soil is not easily penetrated by water and air, the two basic needs for strong, healthy roots. Soil compaction can be caused by heavy equipment used near a tree, concrete over the root zone, even foot traffic can cause soil compaction. Do not store items by the tree. Take Care with New Plantings Do not plant a new tree with a wire basket, rope, or anything that may constrict or "girdle" the roots. Girdled roots seriously affect the health and the stability of a tree. Plan where you want to plant a new tree based on its type and mature size. Be cautious when planting trees near a home foundation, patio, driveway, under power lines, or under a home's eaves. Excessive Soil Too much fill over a newly planted tree's roots can cause damage, and may even kill some species. Take care not to plant tree too deep. Excavation/Construction Damage Building foundations, driveway, sidewalk & road excavation are common events that can cause serious damage to a tree's root system. Construction damage may not be immediately noticeable, but over a period of years the health of the tree will decline as a result of root damage. A prized tree may be inadvertently, but fatally injured when care is not taken during excavation or construction. If you are building near an existing tree, consider calling an arborist to advise on the project during the planning phase, before any work has begun.

Whats Good for Trees

Pruning is needed to remove dead, diseased, injured, broken, rubbing and crowded limbs. Trees are thinned to allow for the wind and air to flow through. Proper thinning reduces wind resistence often responsible for uprooting or creating deformities. A well-thinned tree reflects a skilled arborist with good judgement and it is worthwhile investment in a valued tree. Healthy, well-formed trees increase the value of property. And the opposite is also true. A well-pruned tree will hardly look like it has been pruned. The tree will retain the characteristics of its species. Some tree species are small, some are large. A skilled arborist will not make a large tree small as that is contrary to industry standards. When to Prune Tree pruning to remove hazardous limbs, dead and diseased branches, can be accomplished at any time. Light pruning can usually be done at any time. Large cuts are best made in late winter or early spring. Correct pruning is more important than timing. Drainage/Aeration/Vertical Mulching If the soil drains easily, it is usually well aerated. Soil that does not drain, needs aeration. An adequate supply of oxygen and water to the roots is essential. Vertical mulching can improve the soil and encourage root growth and water uptake. For this, holes are drilled around the root zone and filled with small gravel or other material for the purpose. Watering The frequency of watering depends of the type of soil and the amount of rainfall. Water must be allowed to soak deep into the ground. The most beneficial time to water trees is in the early morning. Water slowly or use drip irrigation until the water has moistened down to the roots. Do not allow water to puddle or accumulate and runoff. This is wasteful and can be detrimental to root growth and function. Tree Nutrition & Fertilizing Trees require certain essential elements to function and grow. Fertilizing a tree can increase growth, reduce susceptibility to certain diseases and pests, and can help reverse declining health.

Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Waukesha, Milwaukee and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Waukesha Tree Removal | Green Man of Milwaukee

Tree Removal Services in Waukesha, There are many different types of Tree Removal.

Two very different types of tree removal are pine tree removal and oak tree removal. Pine trees grow much taller and are easier to break than oak trees. They are filled with sap that can cause breakage in the winter when frozen. Pine trees have a deep tap root that does not flare out like an oak tree’s root system. This makes it easier for a pine tree to be blown down in the event of a storm.  Green Man Wood Service is equipped with the latest and greatest knowledge of how to properly remove trees including those of the pine tree family.Removing an oak tree can be just as tricky as removing a pine tree. Oak trees grow large and broaden out over a very big area. An oak tree can have a root system that covers an entire yard. Any debris from oak trees, including branches, limbs, knobs or even brush can be professionally removed by Green Man Wood Service. We are prepared to assist you with all of your tree care service needs

Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Waukesha and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tree Care Waukesha | Green Man Tree Services

 The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is adding Winona County, Minnesota, Claiborne County, Tennessee, and La Crosse County, Wisconsin to the list of quarantine areas for emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis. EAB, an invasive wood boring beetle, is native to China and eastern Asia. Since its first U.S. detection in Michigan, EAB has been responsible for the death and decline of tens of millions of U.S. ash trees. The interstate movement of firewood from quarantine areas is an especially high-risk pathway for spreading EAB. APHIS works with State cooperators and foresters to raise public awareness about this pest and the potential threats associated with long distance movement of firewood

Green Man Tree & Landscape Services Serving Waukesha and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.