Green Man Tree & Landscape Services

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall is a good time to take care of insects and weeds in your yard | Waukesha Landscape and Tree services

Fall and early winter are an effective time to use pesticides, a broad term that includes products that kill insect pests and also kill weeds (herbicides).  Waukesha tree and Landscaping professionals at Green Man recommends.

Insect pests
Many people don’t have to use pesticides at all,” says Peter Gerstenberger, senior advisor for safety, standards and compliance for the Tree Care Industry Association. “Professionals may be able to solve landscape problems without pesticides by choosing non-chemical alternatives, such as sanitation procedures and selecting shrubs and ornamental trees that are less susceptible to diseases and insects.
For example, an infestation last year may only require all the old plant material be cut out, Often, cultural practices (pruning, raking leaves, etc.) will go a long way toward solving pest problems.”
For homeowners who decide to use pesticides, the Tree Care Industry Association offers these suggestions:
  • Identify the pest first. There is no use in applying a pesticide that won’t address your pest problem.
  • Don’t be tempted to use agricultural chemicals. They aren’t designed for use by homeowners. A small miscalculation in the mixing of a small batch could result in drastic overdosing.
  • Buy the least toxic chemical. Most chemicals available to homeowners use the signal words “caution,” “warning,” or “danger” on their labels. Try to avoid those with the “warning” and “danger” labels, as they are more hazardous.
  • Never mix herbicides with other kinds of pesticides, and never use the same equipment to spray herbicides and other pesticides. You could unintentionally kill the plants you are trying to protect.
  • Don’t mix or store pesticides in food containers, and don’t measure pesticides with the measuring cups and spoons you use in the kitchen. Always store pesticides in the original container with the label intact.
The best choice may be to consult a professional who can diagnose pest problems and recommend chemical or non-chemical alternatives. A beautiful lawn, shrub or tree isn’t worth the trade-off if pesticides are not being used properly.
Fall is a good time to inspect walkways, driveways and patios for those annoying trapped seeds. Despite drought and frequent sweeping, some seeds from weeds, grasses and trees will have germinated, lining joints with unsightly green. Other seeds simply lie in wait until the spring. This new growth must be stopped before the growing season arrives and those small cracks become gaping holes filled with vegetation.
Herbicides are the most cost-effective way of eliminating unwanted weeds, but homeowners need to be careful when using herbicides! When they are used improperly, they can just as easily kill your valuable mature trees and shrubs as sprouting weeds. Only products approved for use on non-crop areas should be considered. Users should read the product label to ensure proper application methods.
“Herbicides should not be applied on or near desirable trees,” cautions Gerstenberger, “or on areas where their roots may extend or in locations where the herbicide may be washed or move into contact with their roots. Even properly applied chemical applications may be affected by rainfall. Some herbicides can be washed off paved surfaces or soak into the ground through the cracked joints – the very place with the greatest concentration of fine tree roots.”
If you are thinking about using herbicides, hire professional arborists. They will choose the correct type of herbicide for the job. 

Green Man Tree & Landscape Services ServingWaukesha and Surrounding areas 414-301-9807 Waukesha Tree Services, Tree Removal, Mulch, Landscaping and wood products. All trees & wood by-products removed from your property will be reused to make fine furniture, firewood or re-purposed into high quality compost and soil for gardeners.